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Friday, December 14, 2012

Moca of jacksonville

So, lately I've felt more so like a framer than any kind of furniture builder, Wich isn't a bad thing at all. I've spent many years framing and to be honest I miss it quite a bit.
Recently I had a cool opportunity to be a part of an installation at the museum of contemporary art here in jacksonville.
The artist name is dr. Ian Bogost and he created a video game called "simony". The game explores the acts of buying your way into the church and or heaven. So the game makes you assend the stairs into the light at the top and either earn your way to the top of the leader board Wich is projected on the wall above, or you can swipe your card at the game and you instantly become the leader.
Ian wanted a fixture that had the game elevated far from the ground that the player must climb up. We went back and fourth on designs and I think I even remember somebody mentioning buying an old staircase the airlines use to get the passengers up into the airplane. So, after going back and fourth on a few designs, Dave dough man of love joy construction came up with an ingenious design and Ian loved it! So it was settled. But this thing is 20 feet across, 20 feet deep and 12 feet high! There was an installation already in the space at the museum do building it in place at the museum was out of the question. Where could we build this monstrosity? Dave and I came to the terrifying realization that we were going to have to build it in the shop. Dave is my land lord so I figured what ever happens to the space he'd be healed half accountable! We ended up building the structure in pieces and going off of pure faith that the parts would all fit together smoothly at the moca on installation day.
We got the structure built and somehow delivered and surprising enough it all fit together perfectly! The artist and curator of the museum loved it!
This project was a fun one to work on and even better to see people being able to enjoy it as they accent their way to the top... Litterly.

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